Golf Supply House Series (1-day) - Mickelson National GC
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Event Information
Event Date: | August 22, 2022 |
Host Venue: | Mickelson National GC |
Current Field: | 75 players Allred, Scott - Elbow Springs GC
Anderson, Scott - Country Hills GC Babkirk, Tyrel - Apple Creek GC Batsel, Dillon - Desert Blume GC Bean, Matt - Priddis Greens G&CC Bergdahl, Scott - Lakewood GR Black, Kevin - Redwood Meadows G&CC Cantera, Dallas - Cardiff G&CC Carew, Geoff Christenson, Gary - Camrose GC Conroy, Quinn - Pinebrook G&CC Cook, Matthew - Canyon Meadows G&CC Cooke, Chris - Silvertip Resort Corrigan, Mark - PGA of Alberta Member Cox, Stefan - Calgary G&CC DesRoche, Glen - Magrath GC Donihee, Chris - Valley Ridge GC Dykstra, Matt - Blackhawk GC Fairbairn, Wayne - Willow Park G&CC Fix, Sam - Vimy Ridge Golf Academy Fleming, Josh - 365 GOLF Fox, Mitchell - Speargrass GC Fraser, Garrett - Big Buck Golf Centre Freeman, Matt - Canyon Meadows G&CC Friedrick, Matthew - Brooks GC Fukushima, Kent - PGA of Alberta Member Giesbrecht, Kevin - Glencoe G&CC (The) Graf, Kevin - Woodside GC Grieve, Tristan Hanson, Leif - PGA of Alberta Member Harrison, Michael - Coal Creek GR Heffernan, Wes - Dynamic Motion Golf Performance Centre Henzie, Dave - Serenity GC Hill, Logan - River Bend G&RA Hudon, Spence James, Darryl - National Golf Academy at Shaganappi Johnson, Greg - Golf Fanatics Johnson, Robbie - Banff Springs GC Karlson, Brady Keats, Mac - Pinebrook G&CC Keller, Austin - PGA of Alberta Member Kirkness, Samuel - Inglewood G&CC Lavallee, Jeremy - Cardiff G&CC LeBouthillier, Tyler - 365 GOLF Longley, Nic - Silver Springs G&CC Lynn, Jaxon - Alberta Springs GR MacComb, David - Royal Mayfair GC MacDonald, Mathew - Olds GC Mah, Matthew - Mill Woods GC Maher, Jeremy - Modern Golf McDermott, Levi - Big Buck Golf Centre McDermott, Ryan - The Links at Spruce Grove McEachern, Michael - PGA of Alberta Member McKiernan, John - Academy at Golf Town - Red Deer Newis, Gord - Glencoe G&CC (The) Nicolls, Jared Nikirk, Dave - Mickelson National Golf Academy Pistorius, Albert Plosz, Jason - Carnmoney G&CC Proulx, Shawn - River Ridge G&CC Robb, Randy - Mickelson National Golf Academy Robinson, David - Heritage Pointe GC Rook, Randy - McKenzie Meadows GC Ruschkowski, Rock - Sirocco GC Sinclair, Sean - PGA of Alberta Member Smith, Scott - Dynamic Motion Golf Performance Centre Stanier, Jason - Inglewood G&CC Stiles, Scott - Earl Grey GC Stringer, Richard - PGA of Alberta Member Vandermey, Nick - PGA of Alberta Member Vandermey, Spencer - PGA of Alberta Member Vogel, Craig - PGA of Alberta Member Wade, Kyle - PGA of Alberta Member Wilmot, Pat - Earl Grey GC Young, Nick - Willow Park G&CC |
Maximum Field: | 75 players |
Waiting List: | 1 player Anderson, Stefan - Apple Creek GC
Entry Fee: | $142.86 |
Skins: | $20.00 |
Draw Type: | Crossover |
Scoring Type: | Individual |
Purse: | $9,775 |
Course Par: | 72 |
Rounds: | 1 |
Event Eligibility
Members: | Category I, Category II, Category III |
Gender: | Both |
Age: | All |
Event Deadlines
Payment Deadline: | July 25, 2022 @4:00PM Outstanding tournament fees are due |
Withdrawal Deadline: | August 8, 2022 @4:00PM |
Registration Deadline: | August 17, 2022 @4:00PM |
Champion: Wes Heffernan (Dynamic Motion Golf Performance Centre)
Sponsor: Rob MacGregor (Golf Supply House) (Centre)
Host Professional: Leif Hanson of Mickelson National GC
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