Callaway Golf Pro-Assistant
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Event Information
Event Date: | September 6 - 7, 2022 |
Host Venue: | Jasper Park Lodge GC |
Current Field: | 53 teams Barber, Lance - Country Hills GC
Berze, Josh - Earl Grey GC Behiels, Jake - Cougar Creek GR Jackson, Dallas - Cougar Creek GR Black, Kevin - Redwood Meadows G&CC Walter, Murray - Redwood Meadows G&CC Bruce, Adam - Northern Bear GC Singh Sandhu, Khushmanraj Bunner, Alexander - Belvedere G&CC King, James Cantera, Dallas - Cardiff G&CC Mah, Matthew - Mill Woods GC Carr, Glenn - Lakeside GC Willner, Tyler - Lakeside GC Christenson, Gary - Camrose GC Toth, Chris - PGA of Alberta Member Coli, Patrick - Carnmoney G&CC Lee, Tommy - Carnmoney G&CC Cook, Aaron - Blackhawk GC Chow, Kevin - Blackhawk GC Cooke, Chris - Silvertip Resort Vanderkooi, Keenan Cox, Stefan - Calgary G&CC Stoneman, Harris - Calgary G&CC Cuthbertson, Jeff - Stony Plain GC James, Robb - Stony Plain GC DiBartolo, Andre - PGA of Alberta Member Noseworthy, Jody - Edmonton Garrison Memorial G&CC Fairbairn, Wayne - Willow Park G&CC Chan, Stuart - Willow Park G&CC Fleming, Riley Kirlin, Matthew - Lynx Ridge GC Forshner, Judy - Glencoe G&CC (The) Yarchuk, Colin - Glencoe G&CC (The) Fraser, Garrett - Big Buck Golf Centre Mills, Sean - Big Buck Golf Centre Freeman, Matt - Canyon Meadows G&CC Lavoie, Shawn Gerlitz, Jamie - Picture Butte GC Sklarenko, Dean Gibson, Craig - Sirocco GC Bolen, Dru - Strathmore GC Graham, Michael - Bearspaw GC Vasquez, Alvaro - Cottonwood G&CC Hanson, Leif - PGA of Alberta Member Mortensen, Miles Hart, Samuel - Hamptons GC (The) Suto, Jacob - Bearspaw GC Hill, Logan - River Bend G&RA McCluskey, Phil - River Bend G&RA Hnatiw, Jason Vandermey, Nick - PGA of Alberta Member Horton, Paul - Golf Channel Academy at Cottonwood G&CC Horton, Christopher - Golf Channel Academy at Cottonwood G&CC Hughes, Chris - Edmonton CC Kotylak, Lindsey - Edmonton CC Hunter, Randy - Silver Springs G&CC Rutherford, Katy - Silver Springs G&CC Johnson, Matt - Royal Mayfair GC MacComb, David - Royal Mayfair GC Johnson, Robbie - Banff Springs GC Young, Steven - Banff Springs GC Kirkness, Samuel - Inglewood G&CC Caines, Ryan - Inglewood G&CC MacDermott, Brice - PGA of Alberta Member Martens, Cam - Windermere G&CC MacDonald, Mathew - Olds GC Ouellette, Jace - Innisfail GC MacGregor, Jeff - Glendale G&CC Cartier, Jacob - Glendale G&CC Maher, Jeremy - Modern Golf Diduck, Jeff - Modern Golf Manz, Jacob - Speargrass GC Fox, Mitchell - Speargrass GC McCourt, Murray - Ranch G&CC (The) Wisser, Adam - Ranch G&CC (The) McDonald, Darrell Winch, Marty - Eagle Rock GC McKenzie, Chris - Miskanaw GC Matthews, Ben - Miskanaw GC McLeay, Rob - Riverside Golf Academy Cook, Matthew - Canyon Meadows G&CC Nikirk, Dave - Mickelson National Golf Academy Robb, Randy - Mickelson National Golf Academy Paskin, Chris - Valley Ridge GC Yanitski, Stephen - Valley Ridge GC Piercey, Shaun - Ranch G&CC (The) Westman, Scott - Ranch G&CC (The) Rumpel, Tyler - Jagare Ridge GC Cammidge, Grant - Jagare Ridge GC Schatzmann, Chris - Stewart Creek G&CC Andrew, Greg Scheller, J.D. - Highwood Golf Boland, Martin - PGA of Alberta Member Sweenie, Tahlon - Jasper Park Lodge GC Mills, Troy - Jasper Park Lodge GC Thomlinson, Chad - Priddis Greens G&CC Wilson, John D. - Priddis Greens G&CC Timms, Kasey Whitton, James - Mill Woods GC Tomlinson, Dale - Innisfail GC Latimer, Cameron - Priddis Greens G&CC Van Tighem, Taylor - Highlands GC Hartford, Gary - Highlands GC Wilmot, Pat - Earl Grey GC MacKinnon, Jennifer - Earl Grey GC |
Maximum Field: | 53 teams |
Waiting List: | 0 players Waiting list is empty.
Entry Fee: | $466.50 |
Draw Type: | Tee Times |
Scoring Type: | Team |
Purse: | $18,850 |
Course Par: | 71 |
Rounds: | 2 |
Event Eligibility
Members: | Category I |
Gender: | Both |
Age: | All |
Event Deadlines
Payment Deadline: | August 9, 2022 @4:00PM Outstanding tournament fees are due |
Withdrawal Deadline: | August 23, 2022 @4:00PM |
Registration Deadline: | August 31, 2022 @4:00PM |
Champions: Matt Kirlin (Centre Right) & Riley Fleming (Centre Left)
Sponsors: Jim McCulley (2nd Left) & Tory Nilson (2nd Right) of Callaway Golf
Host Professionals: Tahlon Sweenie (Right) & Troy Mills (Left) of Jasper Park Lodge GC
Additional Tournaments
The events listed here are to inform our Members of available Tournament opportunities outside the Association
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