2010 Archive
December 2010
22 Bruce McArthur: Has moved from the Sherwood G&CC to Billy D's Driving Range (Teaching Professional).
20 Tyler Pecman: (Apprentice Professional) has transferred from the Ontario PGA to the Carstairs GC
16 Mark Beckwith: has been named Executive Professional at the Sturgeon Valley GC.
16 Jason Hnatiw: has been named Head Professional at the Sturgeon Valley GC.
09 Hogan Short: (Apprentice Professional) has moved from the Windermere G&CC to the Priddis Greens G&CC.
09 Dave Henzie: has completed the ELITE Requirements and successfully passed the Class A Exam.
07 Adam Wisser: has completed the ELITE Requirements and successfully passed the Class A Exam.
07 Brendon Tomiuk: has completed the ELITE Requirements and successfully passed the Class A Exam.
07 Matt Mackarenko: has completed the ELITE Requirements and successfully passed the Class A Exam.
07 Brack Little: has completed the ELITE Requirements and successfully passed the Class A Exam.
06 Luke McKenzie: has completed the ELITE Requirements and successfully passed the Class A Exam.
06 Jeanette Kerr: has completed the ELITE Requirements and successfully passed the Class A Exam.
06 David Tanton: has completed the ELITE Requirements and successfully passed the Class A Exam.
03 J.T. Miller: has completed the ELITE Requirements and successfully passed the Class A Exam.
03 Kevin Black: (Class A Professional) has transferred from the Mill Woods GC to the PGA of BC.
03 Jay Myren: (Head Teaching Professional) has been named Director of Instruction at the RCGA GC.
03 Brad Gagne: has completed the ELITE Requirements and successfully passed the Class A Exam.
03 Blair Buttar: has completed the ELITE Requirements and successfully passed the Class A Exam.
03 Cam Martens: has completed the ELITE Requirements and successfully passed the Class A Exam.
03 Daryl Ries: has completed the ELITE Requirements and successfully passed the Class A Exam.
November 2010
30 Dale Miners: (Apprentice Professional) has moved from the Heritage Pointe GC to the Priddis Greens G&CC
23 Tyler LeBouthillier: has completed the ELITE Requirements and successfully passed the Class A Exam.
22 Rob Larocque: (Head Professional) has transferred from the Rivers' Edge GC to the PGA of BC.
22 Jeremy Hodge: (Class A Professional) has transferred from Billy D's GC to the PGA of BC.
04 Ken Koster: (Head Professional) has transferred from the Whitecourt G&CC to the Saskatchewan PGA.
October 2010
28 Mike Kenney: has been named Executive Professional at the Windermere G&CC.
28 Jeremy Hodge: has completed the ELITE Requirements and successfully passed the Class A Exam.
26 Blake Clayton: has been named Head Professional at The Links of GlenEagles.
26 Slade King: has been named Executive Professional at The Links of GlenEagles.
01 Derrick Hawes: Has moved from the Grande Prairie G&CC to the Waterton Lakes GC (Head Professional).
August 2010
20 Wade Hudyma: (General Manager) will be moving from the Windermere G&CC to the Royal Mayfair GC effective September 27, 2010
19 Mike Anderson: Has moved to the Cochrane GC (Head Professional)
June 2010
15 Travis Mann: (Head Professional) has transferred from the BC PGA to the Silver Tip Golf Resort.
May 2010
20 Derek Baker: (Apprentice) has transferred from the Ottawa Valley PGA to the Jasper Park Lodge GC
19 Mary Masson: (Head Professional) has transferred from the Ontario PGA to the Brewster's Kananaskis Ranch GC
19 Jil Swenson: (Apprentice Professional) has completed the ELITE Requirements and successfully passed the Class A Exam
04 Chris Parkinson: (Apprentice) has moved from Northern Bear GC to the Leduc G&CC
03 Peter Warnaar: (Apprentice) has transferred from the Ontario PGA to the Jasper Park Lodge GC
April 2010
30 Kelli Fry: (Head Professional) has resigned from the Silver Tip GC
29 Brian Miller: (Head Professional) Has moved from the Kananaskis Ranch GC to the Northern Bear GC.
28 Tony Lecuyer: (Head Professional) has moved to The Creek GC
27 Matthew Gray: (Apprentice Professional) has transferred from the New Zealand PGA to the Yellowknife GC
21 Paul Takano: (Apprentice) has transferred from the PGA of BC to the Hinton GC.
19 Brett Fraser: has successfully passed the Class "A" Exam and been named Head Professional at the Broadmoor GC
19 Matt Freeman: (Apprentice Professional) has completed the ELITE Requirements and successfully passed the Class "A" Exam
19 Buzz Wilson: (Head Professional) has transferred to the BC PGA
19 Trent Wright: has been named Executive Professional at the Broadmoor GC
15 Henry Hemmes: (Head Professional) has transferred to the Saskatchewan PGA
15 Bill McDonough: (Apprentice) has transferred from the Ontario PGA to the Links of GlenEagles
15 Shaun Westhaver: (Apprentice Professional) has completed the ELITE Requirements and successfully passed the Class "A" Exam
12 Justin Davies: has been named Head Professional at Muirfield Lakes GC
12 Marc Emslie: (Apprentice Professional) has completed the ELITE Requirements and successfully passed the Class "A" Exam
12 Jordan Huntrods: (Apprentice) has moved from Heritage Pointe GC to the Valley Ridge GC
12 Glenn Leman: (Apprentice) has transferred from the Ontario PGA to the Jasper Park Lodge GC
12 Ron Vander Mey: has successfully passed the Class "A" Exam and been named Head Professional at the Lewis Estates G&CC
07 Tyler Komick: (Apprentice) has moved from RedTail Landing GC to River Ridge GC
07 Adrien Wright: (Apprentice) has transferred from the PGA of BC to the Elbow Springs GC
06 Andrew Balchin: (Apprentice) has transferred from the Ontario PGA to the Elbow Springs GC
06 Geoff Dunn: (Apprentice Professional) has completed the ELITE Requirements and successfully passed the Class "A" Exam
06 Colin Robertson: (Apprentice) has moved from the Jasper Park Lodge GC to the Redwood Meadows GC
06 Brianna Souter: (Apprentice Professional) has transferred from the Links of GlenEagles to the Atlantic PGA
March 2010
01 Lee Alarie: (Apprentice) has transferred from the PGA of BC to the Fairmont Banff Springs GC
01 Ed Boni: (Apprentice) has moved from the Windermere G&CC to The Ranch GC
01 Kyle Brandt: has been named Head Professional at the Belvedere G&CC
01 Dallas Ducheminsky: (Apprentice) has moved from the Speargrass GC to the Strathmore GC
01 Scott Holland: (Teaching Professional) has moved from the Banff Springs GC to the SilverTip Golf Resort
01 Garett Jenkinson: (Teaching Professional) has moved from the Affiliate Category to the Riverside Golf Academy
01 Greg Johnson: (Apprentice) has moved from Country Hills GC to Springbanks Links
01 Brad Jones: (Teaching Professional) has moved from the Unattached Category to the National Golf Academy Dome
01 Peter Kenneford: (Apprentice) has moved from the Ontario PGA to the Eagle Rock GC
01 Blehr MacKinley: (Associate) has transferred to the Atlantic PGA.
01 Ryan Matiushyk: (Apprentice) has transferred from the Cardiff GC to the PGA of BC
01 Travis Merritt: (Head Professional) has transferred from the Crowsnest Pass GC to the PGA of BC
01 Brian Miller: (Head Professional) has moved from the Brooks GC to the Kananaskis Ranch GC
01 Chris Petersen: (Associate) has reinstated to the RedTail Landing GC
01 Nathan Pruden: (Apprentice) has moved from the Silver Springs G&CC to the Lynx Ridge GC
01 Clayton Robb: (Teaching Professional) has moved from the Golf Academy at River Spirit to the National Golf Academy @ Shaganappi
01 Wade Romanick: (Apprentice) has moved from the Wainwright G&CC to Stony Plain GC
01 Cory Schommer: (Associate Professonal) has transferred from the PGA of BC to the Pinebrook G&CC
01 Brandon Shier: (Apprentice Professional) has completed the ELITE Requirements and successfully passed the Class "A" Exam
01 Brad Statham: (Apprentice) has transferred from the SilverTip GC to the Ottawa PGA
01 Mike Steeves: (Unattached) has transferred to the Manitoba PGA
01 Tommy Townsend: (Apprentice) has moved from the Links of Glen Eagles to the Lynx Ridge GC
01 Matthew Vincent: (Head Professional) has moved from the Northern Bear GC to the Coloniale GC
01 Brad Walz: (Teaching Professional) has moved to the Calgary Family Golf Centre
01 Jim Williams: (Teaching Professional) has moved from the National Golf Academy @ McCall Lake to the National Golf Academy Dome
01 Adam Wisser: (Apprentice) has moved from the Edmonton Petroleum Club to the Belvedere G&CC.
01 Mike Zaleschuk: (Apprentice Professional) has moved from the Redwood Meadows GC to the Lynx Ridge GC
February 2010
01 Trevor Andrew: (Apprentice) has moved from the Riverside GC to the Broadmoor GC
01 Pierre Beauchemin: has been named Executive Professional at the Links at Spruce Grove
01 Justin Brown: (Apprentice Professional) has moved from the Kananaskis Country GC to the Sundre GC
01 Mike Brown: (Apprentice) has moved from the Cougar Creek GR to the Edmonton CC
01 Shelley Charlton: (Head Professional) has moved from Teaching Professional at the Cottonwood G&CC to the Brooks GC
01 Gary Christenson: (Head Professional) has been named Head Professional at the Stony Plain GC
01 Kris Collacott: (Teaching Professional) has moved from the Affiliate Category to the Turner Valley GC
01 Gerry Collett: has been named Head Professional at the Links at Spruce Grove
01 Bill Dreger: (Affiliate) has moved from the Unattached Category to Callaway Performance Centre
01 Mike Gawryluk: (Apprentice Professional) has moved from the Earl Grey GC to the Redwood Meadows G&CC (Head Professional).
01 Weston Gillett: (Associate) has transferred from the Kananaskis Country GC to the PGA of BC.
01 Bill Gordon: (Apprentice) has transferred from the Evergreen GC to the PGA of BC
01 Jason Jurimae: (Apprentice) has transferred from the Jasper Park Lodge GC to the PGA of BC
01 Jerry Linquist: has been named Executive Professional at the Lewis Estates GC
01 Edwin MacDonald: (Apprentice Professional) has moved from the Affiliate Category to the Highwood G&CC
01 Paul MacLeod: (Apprentice) has transferred from the Quebec PGA to the Priddis Greens G&CC
01 Quinn Powell: (Apprentice) has moved from River's Edge GC to Lakeside GC
01 Alex Riggs: (Apprentice) has transferred from the SK PGA to the Heritage Pointe GC
01 Chad Rumpel: (Teaching Professional) has moved from the Jagare Ridge GC to the Eagle Rock GC (Head Professional)
01 Curtis Schaan: (Apprentice) has reinstated to the Evergreen GC
01 Peter Stewart: (Head Professional) has transferred from the Ontario PGA to the Crowsnest Pass G&CC
01 Mike Verhagen: (Apprentice Professional) has moved from the Olds Central Highlands GC to the Carstairs GC
01 Jonathan White: (Apprentice) has transferred from the Canmore GC to the PGA of BC
01 Andrew Zawierucha: (Apprentice) has moved from the Leduc G&CC to the Windermere G&CC
January 2010
01 Jody Archibald: (Apprentice Professional) has completed the ELITE Requirements and successfully passed the Class "A" Exam.
01 Andre DiBartolo: (Apprentice Professional) has moved from the Goose Hummock GR to the Highlands GC
01 Jared Engel: (Affiliate Professional) has reinstated with TaylorMade Adidas Golf
01 Weston Gillett: (Apprentice Professional) has completed the ELITE Requirements and successfully passed the Class "A" Exam.
01 Cameron Koski: (Apprentice Professional) has completed the ELITE Requirements and successfully passed the Class "A" Exam.
01 Cam Koski: (Apprentice Professional) has moved from the Connaught GC to the Medicine Hat G&CC
01 Ken Koster: (Head Professional) has moved from the Pembina Valley GC to the Whitecourt G&CC.
01 Patrick Lago: (Apprentice) has transferred from the Silvertip Golf Resort to the PGA of BC.
01 Rick Lalonde: (Apprentice) has transferred from the PGA of BC to the Windermere G&CC.
01 Chris Marcil: has resigned from the Canadian PGA
01 Rob McLeay: (Teaching Professional) has moved to the Riverside Golf Academy, formerly the Calgary Golf Academy.
01 J.T. Miller: (Apprentice) has moved from the Silver Springs G&CC to the Calgary G&CC
01 Kirsten Miners: (Apprentice Professional) has moved from the Heritage Pointe GC to the Sirocco GC.
01 Justin Olszewski: (Apprentice) has transferred from the SK PGA to the Desert Blume GC.
01 Alan Palmer: (Head Professional) has transferred from the Ontario PGA to the Jasper Park Lodge GC
01 James Phillips: (Head Professional) has been named Head Professional at the Sundre GC.
01 Brandon Shier: (Apprentice) has moved from the Derrick G&WC to the Windermere G&CC.
01 Tyler Willner: (Apprentice) has moved from the Banff Springs GC to the Sturgeon Valley GC
01 Buzz Wilson: (Head Professional) has resigned from the Brewster's Kananaskis Ranch GC
01 Laura Witvoet: (Apprentice) has transferred from the LPGA to the Canadian PGA, Wolf Creek GR