Member Profile

Cameron Latimer

Current Golf Facility: Turner Valley GC
Member Classification: Head Professional
Education Background: BA Economics from Laurentian University
 2024 Top 100 Program Points
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 2021 Top 100 Program Points


My career in golf began as a teenager in the London Ontario area where I worked in back shops, pro shops and on maintenance teams for several courses in and around London. During those years, I grew to appreciate and enjoy the many facets of the golf course operations. I made the decision shortly after University, that becoming a golf professional and running a golf facility and teaching people how to golf would be an amazing career. To make this goal a reality, I traveled to Orlando Florida to enroll in the Professional Golfers Career College, which is a college that blended the business of golf, and the game of golf. While in Florida, I had the privilege of meeting and studying from some of Americas and Canadas best Professionals in the categories of Instruction, Club Fitting, Golf Operations, Events and the History of the Game.

I moved to Calgary in 2010, and shortly thereafter joined the PGA of Canada. I consider myself a proud and involved member of the PGA of Canada and have really enjoyed gaining more experience in Golf Operations, Instruction and Club Fitting.

Q. What do you enjoy most about the game and the business of golf?
The Relationships that I develop with golfers and other professionals
Q. What or who influenced you in becoming a Golf Professional?
My parents were a large influence on my decision to become a professional. They were very supportive in the development of my own game and my educational background.
Q. What would you be doing if you weren’t a Golf Professional?
I would likely be working a 9 to 5, with weekends and holidays off.
Q. What is your favourite golf course in the world?
Banff Springs Golf Course
Q. Who is your favourite PGA Tour player?
Harry Higgs
Q. What is the first club you take out of your bag on the driving range?
8 Iron
Q. What is the most number of holes of golf you have played in one day?
113. Longest day of Golf 2007
Q. What is your career low round and where did you shoot this score?
65 at HeatherGlen Golf Course
Q. What significant accomplishments are you most proud of?
Graduating University, passing my P.A.T and obtaining my Class A
Q. What other interests, hobbies and passions can you share?
Hockey, Baseball, Music, Snowboarding and Survival Experiences
Cameron Latimer

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