Board of Directors
The PGA of Alberta Board of Directors sets all policies, rules and regulations for the PGA of Alberta, meeting on a quarterly basis to conduct the business affairs on behalf of the Members. There are between nine and twelve Members elected to the PGA of Alberta Board of Directors, all are Class A Members of the PGA of Canada. Elections to the Board are held every year at the Annual General Meeting in Spring, and election terms are set at three years.
Advisory Board
The Board of Directors appoints past Board Members to its’ Advisory Board to ensure continuity for the Association, and to provide the Board of Directors and the Association with more stability and background information in the decision making process.

Trevor Goplin
Past President
Ron Laugher
AdvisorAssistants’ Board of Directors
Class A Professionals and Apprentice Professionals also have a voice in the Association, through the Assistants’ Board of Directors. Class A Members or Apprentice Professionals are invited to run annually for two-year Committee terms on the Assistants’ Board of Directors, and upon election assume a portfolio, and attend Committee meetings consistent with those on the Board of Directors.