2023 PGA of Alberta Buying Show - Attendee Registration
Event Information
Event Date: | October 17 - 19, 2023 |
Attendance: | 675 attendees Adams, Matthew
Adams, Shelley Aiello, Lisa Ajeem, Mo Allport, Bailey Alook, Nicole Amy, Jim Anderson, Scott Andrew, Greg Antrobus, Jay Arbuckle, Kendall Arisman, Tom Atkins, Lesley Atkinson, Bridger Auger, Harvey Babich, Jeff Babkirk, Tyrel Bach, David Bach, Shelly Bach, Wayne (Ted) Bailey, Steele Baker, Mac Balcom, Christina Baldry, Jared Ball, Ryan Baranowski, Brad Barber, Lance Barber, Lance Barendregt, Nathan Barkway, Matt Barriere, Julia Bartlett, Stuart Bayne, Adam Bearchell, Wade Beirnes, Jeremy Belhumeur, Marc Belling, David Bells, Dylan Bennett, Justin Bergdahl, Scott Berger, Loretta Berget, Justin Berkner, Brett Berrns, Jake Biln, Leah Biln, Pat Bishop, Bill Black, Kevin Bodoano, Chase Boothby, Ryle Bosch, Mike Boswell, GLenn Boudreau, Darcy Boudreau, Lorie Boyd, Kyle Bradley, Dennis Bradley, Margo Braget, Tyrone Brandt, Kyle Brayton, Gordon Brewster, Alison Brewster, Dax Brewster, Heather Brideau, Avery Brindley, Jason Broderson, Jen Broderson, Lyle Brooks, Jodi Brown, Justin Brown, Randy Brown, Rick Brown, Ryan Brown, Tony Brown, Tyler Bruschinsky, Karyn Buchner, Aaron Buffalo, Mitch Bunner, Alex Bunner, Alex Busch, Presley Busetto, Joey Butcher, Sean Butt, Fergus Butterfield, Simon Butz, Wesley Bygrave, Brian Bygrave, Marilyn Bygrave, Wayne Bysterveld, Angela Caines, Ryan Campbell, Adam Carew, Geoff Caron, Chad Carr, Elizabeth Carr, Evan Carr, Glenn Cartier, Jacob Chan, Sarah Chan, Sarah chan, stu Charlton, Shelley Chesley, Kay Cho, James Choiniere, Ben Chow, Kevin Chown, Braden Christenson, Gary Christenson, Heather Clare, Michael Clarkson, Braden Clarkson, Tanya Clayton, Kelsey Clipperton, Cody Coli, Patrick Collins, Sean Conroy, Quinn Cook, Aaron Cook, Matt Cooke, Chris Cooke, Chris COOKE, DARREN Copeland, Dylan Copeland, Josh Corriveau, Kyle Courage, Carlund Courage, Gord Cox, Stefan craig, ryan Crook, Ryan Curiston, Jamie Cuthbertson, Jeff Dalman, Brayden Davidchuk, Bob Davidson, Misha Davis, Chris Day, Tom Dekens, Jordan Dereniuk, Dean DeRuyter, Rees DESROCHE, GLEN Dhillon, Darcy Dick, Ryan Dies, Mel Dobell, Neil Dodd, Teryn Doerkson, Carter Donihee, Chris Donkin, Lanaia Donnan, Dixie Down, Dana Drake, Dave Draper, Spencer Driscoll, Darren Driscoll, Jamie Driscoll, Sally Drumm, Ben Duckworth, Jameson Dueck, Austin Dueck, Jeremy Dueck, Tracy Duff, Michelle Dumont, Michael Dux, Sydney Dykstra, Matt Dziwenka, Kyle Edwards, Kyle Edwards, Lyle Ehlert, Barry Eichele, Richard Eisler, Clayton Ellerman, Trevor Elson, Linda Elzinga, Deb Epping, Connor Estabrooks, Ryan Evans, Kirk Faber, John Fairbairn, Wayne Fargey, Liliane Fast, Brian Fenske, Mike Fenton, Jordan Feuz, Danny Filippova, Galina Firminger, Brent Fitzpatrick, Ryan Fix, Sam Fleming, Rhett Flockhart, Tom Florkowski, Jesse Foote, Kurtis Forshner, Judy Fox, Andrew Fox, Mitchell Fraser, Garrett Fraser, Scott Frederick, Kylie Freeman, Matt Freshwood, Sandy Freshwood, Sandy Friedrick, Brenda Jeanne Friedrick, Matthew Frose, Patrick Frost, Grace Fry, Jon Gagne, Brad Gagne, Graham Gagne, Linda Gagnon, Brad Galay, Ryan Galvon, Jesse Garcia, Jenny Gardner, Josh Garrett, Tracey Gaultier, Rachelle Gee, Brennen Gerlitz, Jamie Giacchetta, Sheryl-Ann Gibb, Sullivan Gibson, Craig Giesbrecht, Kevin Gil, Young Gilkyson, Carter Gillett, Matt Gillett, Weston Girard, Colton Gladden, David Glanville, Robert Goplin, Trevor Gordon, Tiffany Grabo, Brendan Graf, Kevin Graham, Jeff Graham, Michael Gray, Dave Greaves, Nicola Greco, Natalie Green, Emerson Green, Jeanine Green, Stephen Greer, Kelly Greiner, Tom Grieve, Tristan Griffith, Greg Griffith, Joel Grunewald, Mayson Hadfield, Garrett Halback, Tanis Hall, Jim Halpen, Todd Halverson, Bryce Hamelin, Steve Hamilton, Barb Hamilton, Connor Hamilton, Craig Hamilton, Dexter Hamilton, Donna Hamilton, Gail Hamilton, Kevin Hannan, Candice Harder, Sloane Hardy, Bruce Hardy, Richard Harrison, Jake Harrison, Michael Hart, Sam Hart, Sam Hartford, Gary Hastie, Doug Haswell, Scott Hatcher, Devin Hawkshaw, Josh Hazell, Will Heath, Cody Helland, Kinley Hemstreet, Paul Henderson, Jamie Hennes, Trevor Henzie, David Herbach, Ryan Herkel, Chris Herron, Chris Hill, Logan Hillcoff, Mark Hirji, Nafeez Hirji, Nafeez Hirji, Nawaz Hobberstad, Riley Hodge, Jamie Holland, Scott Horton, Chris Horton, Paul Hourigan, Cailean Houssian, Alec Houssian, Kale Hovelkamp, Sean Huber, Glenn Huber, Matt Hudson, Mary-Ellen Hughes, Chris Humbke, Danny Hunter, Randy Hutton, Andrew Ingalls, Dean Ingalls, Dean Irvin, Taylor Isaac, Courtney Isaac, Leigh Anne Ishak, Justin Istvanffy, Janelle Jager, Denise Jager, Rick Jardine, Trudy Jasper, Kaleigh Jensen, Jorden Jetten, Taylor Johannson, Joel Johnsgaard, Cody Johnson, Greg Johnson, Matt Johnson, Robbie Johnstone, Brian Johnstone, Jeff Jones, Kevin Keats, Mac Keeley, Kendall Kellgren, Kyle Kelller, Austin Kenneford, Peter Kenney, Mike Kinas, Carmen King, Slade Kirkness, Samuel Kozak, Ewelina Krause, Tim Kreiner, Graeme Kuny, Brendan Kusiek, Cameron Kyle, Cameron Lasell, Brayden Lasell, Ramona Lasell, Ranson Latimer, Cameron Laugher, Ron Lautner, Tyler Lavoie, Ashley Lee, Tommy Legault, Jeff Leicht, Tyler LeWarne, Sienna Limoges, Jake Lin, Paul Linford, Keith Liu, Gennie Lockert, Josh Logan, Perry Longley, Nic Loran, Pat Lowe, Paul Lowe, Sandra Luciano, Luke Lukasewich, Jerry Lunge, Connor Luopa, Shaun Lynn, Jaxon MacComb, David MacDermott, Brice MacDonald, Gus MacDonald, Lacy MacDonald, Mathew MacDonald, Robert MacDowall, Rhona MacDuff, Brent Macgregor, Jeff Mackey, Joshua MacKinnon, Jennifer Macpherson, Declan MacPherson, Rob Macpherson, Sue Madge, Sheri Madsen, Kevin Madsen, Neil Maegaard, Jae Mah, Bill Mah, Matt Mah, Matt Maher, Jeremy Manarey, Will Manz, Dean Manz, Jacob Marie, Miranda Mark, Vic Martens, Bob Martin, Roxanne Martin, Trevor Martino, Ryan MATEI, MICHAEL Matson, Trent Matthews, Ben Mattson, Wayne Matuch, Mike Mawani, Adam McArthur, Bob McArthur, Craig McBride, Dean McCann, Carla McCann, Eamon McCluskey, Phil McComb, Jordan McCourt, Murray McDermott, Levi McDermott, Ryan McDougall, Cal McDougall, Norma McGarry, Greg McIntyre, Jaden McKain, Riley McKay, Kassidy McKee, Carmen McKenzie, Chris MCKIERNAN, JOHN Mclachlan, Tracy McLellan, Charlene McNicol, Jaclyn McPail, Shalan Melbourne, Chris Meneghetti, Marcus Merriam, Scott Metzger, Jody Michaels, David Michnik, Marion Miller, Aaron Mills, Matthew Mills, Sean Mills, Troy Milton, Carter Mitchell, Dave Moen, Teanna Moffatt, Wanda Moon, Todd Moore, Ryan Morris, Tomi Morrison, Austin Morrison, Ian Mortensen, Miles Moser, Donna Moulton, Jim Munoz, Gabi Murray, Rayna Musselman, Amanda Musselman, Blair Myren, Jay Nelson, Aaron Nelson, Dave Nelson, Gina Nelson, Graeme Neufeld, Tiernan Neuhaus, Ivy New, Arthur Newis, Gordon Nicholson, Stephanie Niehaus, Joleen Nikirk, Dave Nobert, Kelly Noble, Pam Noland, Cheryl Norlin, Al Norton, Will Nutt, Michael O’Connor, Terry Oliphant, Brian Olsen, Evan Orban, Scott Owens, Ben Pacholok, Nicole Pakylak, Aaron Paley, Bob Paley, Tracy Palmer, Ethan Parsons, Shawn Pasitney, Jeremie Paskin, Chris Patrick, Daryl Paul, Paytn Peckham, Emily Pecman, Tyler Pecman, Tyler Perrault, Dylan Petersen, Colin Piercey, Shaun Pilon, Matt Piscopo, Matteo Pittner, Trenton Plouffe, Michael Popkes, Amy Porter, Eric Porter, Will Poscente, Davis Poupart, Dani Power, James Power, Marlene Presley, Colin Proud, Laura provencal, ryan Radbourne, Jennifer Raina, Shannon Ramstad, Lawrence Rasmuson, Jason Rasmuson, Leah Rattan, Derek Rau, Chase Reeves, Warren Reiman, Diane Reiman, Kayla Reitz, Jared Rennie, Samara Repp, Doug Resnechenko, Tanner Revenboer, Dean Rickards, Dave Rigsby, John Rigsby, Melanie Rigsby, Sebastian Rigsby, Sienna Rioux, Trevor Ritchie, Doug Roach, Kelly Robb, Colton Robb, Randy Robertson, Curtis Robinson, Darren Robinson, David Robinson, Dustin Robinson, Kevin Robinson, Val Rogers, Marsha Rolph, Ben Rook, Randy Rook, Randy Rosengarten, Lisa Roth, Jason Rowland, Sheryle Ruschkowski, Rock Rutherford, Katy Sackney, Dean Salyn, Chad Sanders, Amanda Sandhu, Aman Santos, John Sauer, Andrew Schatzmann, Chris Scheller, J.D. Schlachter, Kirsten Schlenker, Colin Schlosser, Megan Schneider, Doug Schubert, Gregg Seaman, Cory Secundiak, Trevor Seeman, Susan Seifert, Matt Seitz, Jonny Serfas, Kim Serfas, Matt Shackleton, Darren Shackleton, Kim Shapka, Crystal Sikorski, Renee Simkins, Harold Simkins, Trevor Sims, Mary-Lou Sinclair, Evan Sklarenko, Dean Smith, Cody Smith, Keirstin Smith, Tyler Sonmor, Ronan Soutar, Bob Stadlwiser, Koby Stanier, Jason Stasiewich, Ken Stener, Leonard Stiles, Scott Striemer, Jim Striemer, Mary Lynn Stringer, Richard Stringile, Ryan Suto, Jacob Sutton, Calder Sweenie, Tahlon SWIECICKI, JOE Szewczuk, Andrew Szewczuk, Caleigh SZEWCZUK, Caleigh Tady, Mishele Tanner, Jeremy Tanton, David Taylor, Carson Teno, Fred Teno II, Frederic Thomas, Garrett Thompson, Maureen Thompson, Michael Thorogood, Dane Thorogood, Ryan Thorogood, Sharon Tomlinson, Dale Tong, Liz Toth, Chris Tycholis, Megan Upton, Jason Valleau, Kim Van Amsterdam, Evan Van Amsterdam, Tyler Van Deurzen, Ben Van Tighem, Taylor Vandermey, Nick Vandermey, Spencer Vasquez, Alvaro Vaughan, Jason Vernon, Richard Vincent, Matthew Vos, Liam Voykin, Taylor Waldbauer, Cam Walker, Josh Wallan, Jackie Wallan, Simon Walsh, Jack Walsh, Linda Walsh, Vivian Walter, Murray Walz, Brad Wanvig, Cullen Warr, Anne Warwaruk, Dan Watt, Tim Webber, Evan Weiss, Zac Werbicki, Adam West, Jon Westman, Scott Whelen, Gary Whelen, Lorraine White, Darlene Whittingham, Paul Whitton, James Whitton, James Widdis, Jaubron Williams, Steven Willick, Colleen Willner, Tyler Wilmot, Pat Wilson, Jay Wilson, John Wilson, John Winnick, Kelly Wisser, Adam Wong, Kevin Wood, Doug Wood, Dylan Workman, Luke Wright, Andrew Wright, Trent Yanitski, Stephen Yarchuk, Colin Yeung, Jarina Yoder, Zach Young, Jody Young, Michael Young, Nick Young, Steve Yung, Mason Zarowny, Matt Zubiak, Kris |
Capacity: | Unlimited attendees |
Waiting List: | 0 attendees Waiting list is empty.
Location: | Calgary BMO Centre (Hall D) 20 Roundup Way SE Calgary, AB T2G 2W1 |
Event Pricing
PGA of Alberta Member: | $0.00 |
PGA of Canada Member (Outside of Alberta): | $0.00 |
PGA of Canada Affiliate (Non-Member): Facility Owner, GM, Employee, Guest, F&B Staff: | $0.00 |
NGCOA Member: | $0.00 |
Green Grass Facility: | $75.00 |
Event Deadlines
Payment Deadline: | October 13, 2023 @4:00PM |
Payment Deadline: | October 13, 2023 @4:00PM Deadline to withdraw before penalty |
Registration Deadline: | October 13, 2023 @4:00PM |
The PGA of Alberta would like to invite you to attend the 2023 PGA of Alberta Buying Show taking place from October 17 - 19, 2023, at the Calgary BMO Centre.
The purpose of the Buying Show is to bring Golf Professionals, Equipment Manufacturers, and Sales Representatives all together in the same building, in order for them to prepare their inventories for the following season.
Over the course of the three days, nearly 1,200 people gather from across the province, and country, to look at what’s new and exciting in the golf industry. The Association encourages you to invite your colleagues from all departments at your Golf Course! We pride ourselves on having opportunities for everyone to engage at the Show; from Food & Beverage Managers and those in Administration, to Ownership and Management.
PGA of Canada Members and NGCOA Members are provided complimentary access to the PGA of Alberta Buying Show. Green Grass Facilities may register for the Buying Show in advance online for a cost of $75.00 per person or register at the door for a cost of $125.00 per person.
Ready to register? There are 5 Ticket Types for Attendees.
Please read the descriptions below to ensure you register using the correct Ticket Type.
PGA of Alberta Member | PGA of Alberta Professionals who have paid their annual dues and work within Alberta. |
PGA of Canada Member (Outside of Alberta) | PGA of Canada Professionals who have paid their annual dues and are working in a Zone outside of Alberta. |
PGA of Canada Affiliate (Non-Member): Facility Owner, GM, Employee, Guest, F&B | Individual(s) working at a facility with an employed PGA of Alberta/Canada Professional and are not Members of the PGA of Canada and do not pay annual dues. This ticket type is for Facility Owners, General Managers, Food & Beverage Staff, and Employees at a course or a guest who is somehow affiliated with a facility. |
NGCOA Member | Individual(s) whose facility is a Member of the National Golf Course Owner’s Association and does not have a PGA of Canada Professional employed at their facility. Please note NGCOA Members are only eligible to attend on Day 2 (October 18) & Day 3 (October 19) of the Buying Show. |
Green Grass Facility | Individual(s) who are attending the Buying Show on behalf of a facility that does not have a PGA of Canada Professional employed at the course and is not a Member of the NGCOA. There is a $75.00 per person charge for this ticket type when purchased in advance online and a $125.00 per person charge when purchased at the door. Please note those representing Green Grass Facilities are only eligible to attend on Day 2 (October 18) & Day 3 (October 19) of the Buying Show. |
Follow these step-by-step instructions to register as an Attendee for the 2023 PGA of Alberta Buying Show.
Create a PGA of Alberta Profile by CLICKING HERE if you do not/your facility does not already have one. Only one profile per facility is needed. If you already have an account, please use the same account for your registration this time. If you are not sure if you have an account, or if you have any questions, please contact Michelle Moody ([email protected]).
Log into the PGA of Alberta website. Go to: Events tab > Buying Show > 2023 Attendee Registration.
- Click "Register Now" at the top of the event page and follow the prompts to complete the registration process.
- Make sure you click "+ Add Another Attendee" before Attendee Information to register multiple people from your facility.
The registration deadline for Attendees is October 13, 2023.