2022 PGA Buying Show - Attendee Registration
Event Information
Event Date: | October 18 - 20, 2022 |
Attendance: | 682 attendees Adams, Shelley
Ajeem, Mohammed Allport, Bailey Alook, Nicole Alvarez, Dario Anderson, Ryan Anderson, Scott Anderson, Stefan Andrew, Greg Andrews, Chris Angus, Rhiannon Antrobus, Jay Anutooshkin, Patti Arkley, Jordan Atmore, David Auger, Harvey Austin, Phil Babkirk, Tyrel Babkirk, Tyrel Bach, Dave Bach, Shelly Bach, Ted Balcom, Christina Baldry, Jared Ball, Ryan Baranowski, Brad Barber, Lance Barkway, Matt Bartlett, Stuart Bassen, Brian Bayne, Adam Bean, Matt Bearchell, Shauna Bearchell, Wade Beardsworth, Chance Becker, Nick Behiels, Jake Belbin, Mike Belling, David Bennett, Justin Bergdahl, Scott Berger, Loretta Berkner, Brett Berze, Josh Bessette, Dan Biln, Pat Bishop, Bill Black, Kevin Boland, Martin Bolen, Dru Bolen, Dru Boswell, Glenn Boudreau, Darcy Bourgeois, Dan Boyd, Kyle Braget, Tyrone Braitenback, Rachel Brandt, Kyle Brewster, Alison Brewster, Dax Brewster, Heather Brindley, Jason Broderson, Jen Broderson, Lyle Bronson, Kim Brown, Justin Brown, Randy Brown, Tony Brown, Tyler Buckley, Braeden Buffalo, Mitch bunner, alex Busetto, Joey Bushfeild, Patti Butz, Wesley Bygrave, Brian Bygrave, Wayne Bysterveld, Angela Caines, Ryan callum, dave Campbell, Adam Campbell, Jordan Cardinal, Vance Carlson, Meagan Carr, Glenn Carr, Liz Cassidy, Kayde Chan, Stu Chang, Haejin Chesley, Kay Childs, Graham Cho, James Chow, Kevin Christenson, Gary Christianson, Janet Cianfagna, Bonnie Claire, Kirsten Clare, Michael Clarkson, Braden Clarkson, Tanya Clayton, Kelsey Coates, Brock Coli, Patrick Collins, Gary Collins, Jen Collins, Kit Cook, Aaron Cooke, Brad Cooke, Chris COOKE, DARREN Copeland, Dylan Copeland, Josh Corriveau, Kyle Courage, Gord Cox, Stefan Craig, Ryan Crease, John Crook, Ryan Crowchild, Irene Curiston, Jamie Cuthbertson, Jeff Dalman, Brayden Dalton, Jamie Dancey, Deb Davidchuk, Bob Davis, Chris Day, Tom Day, Tom Dereniuk, Dean DeRuyter, Rees DesRoche, Glen Dhillon, Darcy Dick, Ryan Diduck, Jeff Dobell, Neil Dodd, Teryn Donihee, Chris Donihee, Chris DOWN, DANA Drake, Dave DREGER, BILL Driscoll, Cameron Driscoll, Darren Driscoll, Sally Duckworth, Jameson Dueck, Austin Dueck, Jeremy Dueck, Tracy Dyer, Laura Dykstra, Matt Dziwenka, Kyle easthope, kevin Edwards, Geoff Edwards, Lyle EICHELE, RICHARD Eisler, Clayton Eisler, Clayton Ellerman, Trevor Elson, Linda Elzinga, Deb Engelhardt, Donna Engelhardt, Ed Engelhardt, Mike England, Dennis England, Kim Epp, Josh Evans, Kirk Fairbairn, Wayne Fairley, Kya Farrell, Jimmy Feener, Chad Feener, Melisa Fenske, Mike Feuz, Danny Firminger, Brent Fix, Sam Fleming, Joshua Fleury, John Fleury, Sandy Flewelling, Hannah Florkowski, Jesse Foote, Kurtis Foote, Kurtis Forshner, Judy Fox, Andrew Fox, Mitchell Fraser, Garrett Fraser, Scott Frederick, Kylie Frederick, Kylie Freeman, Matt Friedrick, Matthew Frose, Patrick Frose, Patrick Frost, Grace Fry, Jon Gagne, Brad Gagnon, Brad Gagnon, Bradley Galay, Ryan Gardner, Traci Garner, Graham Garrett, Tracey Gaudet, Riley Gee, Brennen Geiger, Aidan Gerlitz, Jamie Gfrerer, Kevin Giacchetta, Sheryl Ann Gibb, Troy Gibson, Craig GIESBRECHT, KEVIN Giesbrecht, Kevin Giesbrecht, Tyler Gillett, matt Gillett, Weston Golden, Jason Gook, Kathy Goplin, Trevor Gordon, Tiffany Grabo, Brendan Grabo, Brendan Graf, Kevin Graham, Jeff Graham, Kevin Graham, Michael Grassl, Thera Greco, Natalie Greer, Kelly Greiner, Tom Grieve, Tristan Griffith, Greg Grosart, Brent Ha, Jennifer Hadfield, Garrett Halback, Tanis Halpen, Todd Halverson, Bryce Hamill, Kevin Hamill, Natalie Hamilton, Daly Hamilton, Donna Hamilton, Kevin Hancock, Cody Hannan, Candice Hanson, Leif Harder, Sloane HARDY, RICHARD Harrison, Jake Harrison, Michael Harvey, Ryan HASTIE, DOUG Haswell, Scott Hatcher, Devin Hauptman, Glenn Havell, Teanna Hawkshaw, Josh Heath, Cody Heffernan, Wes Heise, Cam Heise, Kevin Helland, Kinley Hemsted, Bridget Hemstreet, Paul Henderson, Jamie Henzie, Dave Herbach, Ryan Heritage, Paul Herkel, Chris Herron, Chris Hill, Gabe Hill, Logan Hillcoff, Mark Hirji, Nafeez Hirji, Nafeez Hirji, Nawaz Hirji, Nawaz Hlady, Tim Hnatiw, Jason Hobberstad, Riley Hogan, Mike Holland, Jeff Holland, Len Holland, Scott Hollett, Tim Horlacher, Peter Horton, Chris Horton, Paul Houssian, Alec Hovelkamp, Sean Hudon, Spence Hudson, Mary-Ellen Hughes, Chris Hunter, Randy Hurt, Wendy Hurt, Wendy Ingalls, Dean Irvin, Taylor Isaac, Courtney Ishak, Justin Jackson, Dallas Jackson, Tom Jacskson, Louanne Jager, Denise Jager, Rick James, Robb Jardine, Trudy Jaremcio, Lyle Jean, Barbie Jeffries, Nicola Jensen, Jorden Jetten, Taylor Johnson, Al Johnson, Greg Johnson, Robbie Jonas, Patty Jonas, Phil Jones, Simon Jordens, Elodie Jurak, Todd Karlson, Brady Keeley, Kendall Kellgren, Kyle Kelly, Jamie Kenneford, Peter Kenney, Mike Kerr, Dave Kinas, Carmen Kincade, Greg King, James King, Lyndon King, Slade Kirkness, Sam Kjemhus, Sean Korpach, Art Korpach, Sean Korpach, Thomas Krause, Tim Kreiner, Graeme Kuny, Brendan Kusiek, Cameron Kyle, Cameron Lagadin, Mitch Lamb, Wib Lamontagne, Michele Lasell, Brayden Lasell, Ramona Lasell, Ranson Latimer, Cameron Laugher, Kailee Laugher, Ron Lautner, Tyler Lavoie, Ashley Lavoie, Shawn Lean, Rob Lecuyer, Linda Lecuyer, Tony Lee, Tommy Leguee, Lee-Ann Lehmann, Stacie Leicht, Tyler leidenius, shaye Leitheiser, Whitney LeWarne, Sienna Limoges, Jake Linquist, Jerry Lischka, Landon Lockert, Josh Longley, Nic Lowe, Paul Lowe, Sandy Luciano, Luke Lukasewich, Jerry Lunge, Connor Luopa, Shaun Lynes, Kevin Lynn, Jaxon MacComb, David MacDermott, Brice MacDonald, Mathew MacDonald, Robert MacDowall, Rhona MacDuff, Brent MacDuff, Brent MacGregor, Jeff Mackerenko, Matt Mackie, Josh MacKinnon, Jennifer MacPherson, Declan MacPherson, Rob MacPherson, Sue Madsen, Kevin Madsen, Neil Maegaard, Jae Maher, Jeremy Manarey, Will Manz, Dean Manz, Jacob Mark, Vic Martens, Bob Martin, Wes Martino, Ryan Matters, Melissa Matthews, Ben Mattson, Wayne McArthur, Bob McArthur, Bob McArthur, Craig McBride, Dean McCann, Carla McCann, Eamon McChristie, Koen McCluskey, Phil McCormick, Myrna McCormick, stu McCourt, Murray McDermott, Levi McDermott, Ryan McDonald, GUS McDowell, Blair McEachern, Michael McKay, Kassidy McKiernan, John Mclachlan, Tracy McNicol, Chris medford, chris Melbourne, Chris Menegehetti, Marcus Merriam, Scott Metzger, Jody miller, aaron Miller, Kyle Mills, Matt Mills, Sean Mills, Troy Moffatt, Wanda Monk, Joel Moon, Todd Mortensen, Miles Moug, John Moulton, Jim Mulligan, Randie Myren, Jay Nelson, Graeme Neuhaus, Ivy New, Art Newis, Gord Niehaus, Bryan Niehaus, Joleen Nikolaou, Victor Nirkirk, Dave Nobert, Kelly Noble, Pam Noland, Cheryl Norlin, Al Numrich, Grant Nutt, Michael O’doherty, Patrick O’neill, Ryan Oliphant, Brian Olsen, Evan Orser, Jeff Ouellette, Jace Padley, Brie Pakylak, Aaron Paley, Bob Paley, Tracy Palmer, Ethan Parsons, Shawn Pasitney, Jeremie Paskin, Chris Patrick, Daryl Pecman, Tyler Penny, Bill Penny, Marnie Perrault, Dylan Petersen, Colin Philpott, Daniel Pickering, Anthony Piercey, Shaun Pilon, Matt Pilon, Matt Piscopo, Matteo Pittner, Trenton Plaza, Zach Pliva, Dale Plouffe, Jacques Plouffe, Michael Poirier, Tammy Popkes, Amy Porter, Eric Postnikoff, Dawn Poupart, Dani Power, James Power, Marlene Presley, Colin Prosser, Brett Proud, Laura Pruss, Allan Raina, Shannon Ramstad, Larry Rasmuson, Jason Rattan, Derek Rau, Chase Reid, Kyle Reiman, Diane Reiman, Kayla Reimer, Jamie Reitz, Jared Renwick, Karlyn Repp, Doug Richardson, Steve Rifo, Cristina Rigsby, John Rigsby, Melanie Rigsby, Sebastian Rigsby, Sienna Robb, Colton Robb, Randy Robertson, Curtis Robinson, Darren Robinson, David Robinson, Dustin Robinson, Jamie Robinson, Kevin Robinson, Tyler Robinson, Val Rogers, Marsha Rolph, Ben Rook, Randall L Rosengarten, Lisa Rossi, Jennifer Roth, Jason Rowland, Sheryle Roy, Jeff Rumpel, Tyler Rundell, Luke Rundell, Rachelle Ruschkowski, Rock Rutherford, Katy Sackney, Dean Salyn, Chad Sanders, Amanda Sandhu, Khushmanraj Santos, John Sauer, Andrew Schatzmann, Chris Scheller, J.D. Schlachter, Kirsten Schlenker, Colin Schneider, Doug Schofield, Sam Schubert, Gregg Scinski, Taylor Seaman, Cory Seeman, Susan Seifert, Matt Seifert, Matt Seitz, Jonny Shackleton, Darren Shackleton, Kim Shapka, Crystal Shaw, Al Sheppard, Graham Shouldice, Scott Sikorski, Renee Simkins, Harold Simkins, Trevor Simpson, Dwayne Simpson, Hugh Sims, Mary-Lou Sinclair, Evan Skalski, Dymon Sklarenko, Dean Smith, Leila Smith, Tyler Smith, Wayne Smokler, Tyler Soutar, Bob Southern, Ian Spagrud, Pat Spicer, Tina Spreen Horne, Sarah Stanier, Jason Stasiewich, Ken Station, Cathy Stephen, Jordan Stewart, Britani Stiles, Scott Stingley, Blake Stoliker, Jack Stoneman, Harris Stoski, Justin Strate, Erin Stringer, Richard Stringile, Ryan Sweenie, Tahlon SWIECICKI, JOE Szewczuk, Andrew SZEWCZUK, CAILEIGH Szewczuk, Caleigh Tanner, Jeremy Tanner, Jeremy Tanton, David Taylor, Carson Taylor, McLaren Teno, Fred Thephasouvanh, Veeraphon Thomlinson, Chad Thompson, Rick Thomson, Steve Thorogood, Dane Thorogood, Ryan Thorogood, Sharon Timms, Kasey Tomlinson, Dale Tong, Liz Toth, Chris Upton, Jason Valleau, Kim Van Amsterdam, Tyler Van Dellen, George Van Dellen, Kathy Van Deurzen, Ben Van Tighem, Taylor Vanderkooi, Keenan Vandermey, Nick Vandermey, Ron Vandermey, Spencer Vasquez, Alvaro Vass, Erika Vaughan, Jason Vernon, Richard Vincent, Matthew vold, ryan Waldbauer, Cam Walker, Josh Walter, Murray Walz, Brad Warr, Anne Warthe, Aaron Warwaruk, Dan Wasmuth, Tanya Watt, Tim Webber, Evan Weiss, Zac Werbicki, Adam Werbicki, Shannon West, Jon Westman, Scott whelen, Gary Whelen, Lorraine White, Darlene Whitell, Dave Whittingham, Paul Whitton, James Wiebe, Rachel Williams, Denise Williams, Steven Williscroft, Kirk Willner, Tyler Wilmot, Pat Wilson, Jay Wilson, John Wilson, John Winnick, Kelly Wisser, Adam Wong, Kevin Wood, Doug Wood, Dylan Workman, Luke Wright, Andrew Wycott, Jennie Yanitski, Stephen Yarchuk, Colin Yarmoloy, Melissa Yeung, Jarina Young, Gil Young, Nick Young, Steven Yung, Mason Zubiak, Kris |
Capacity: | Unlimited attendees |
Waiting List: | 0 attendees Waiting list is empty.
Location: | BMO Centre - Calgary Stampede 20 Roundup Way SE Calgary, AB T2G2W1 |
Event Pricing
PGA of Alberta Member: | $0.00 |
PGA of Canada Member (Outside of Alberta): | $0.00 |
PGA of Canada Affiliate (Non-Member) - Facility Owner/GM/Employee/Guest/F&B/Corporate Client: | $0.00 |
NGCOA Member: | $0.00 |
Green Grass Facility: | $75.00 |
Event Deadlines
Payment Deadline: | October 12, 2022 @4:00PM |
Payment Deadline: | October 12, 2022 @4:00PM Deadline to withdraw before penalty |
Registration Deadline: | October 14, 2022 @4:00PM |
>> Information Package - Click Here
>> Registered Exhibitors - Click Here
>> Registered Golf Facilities - Click Here
Dear PGA of Canada Professional and Golf Course Owner/Operator,
The PGA of Alberta is pleased to open registration for the 2022 PGA of Alberta Buying Show, to be held on October 18-20 at the Stampede BMO Centre (Hall D) in Calgary, Alberta. The Association encourages you to invite your colleagues from all departments at your Golf Course as we pride ourselves on having an opportunity for everyone at the Show, including Food & Beverage Managers, Ownership, Management and Administration.
Food & Beverage - One element of the show that has been expanded on in recent years is our Food & Beverage department. With several major F&B suppliers exhibiting at our show we strongly encourage your facility to bring your F&B Manager and any other staff that may benefit from this.
PGA of Canada Members and NGCOA Members are provided complimentary access to the Buying Show. Green Grass Facilities may register for the Show in advance online at a cost of $75 per person or you may register at the door at a cost of $125 per person.
Please note - The first day of the Show on Tuesday, Oct. 18th is exclusively for PGA of Canada facilities (facilities with a PGA of Canada Professional employed). NGCOA and Green Grass facilities are welcome to attend all day and make appointments on Wednesday, Oct. 19th and Thursday, Oct. 20th.
In order to register, please note and the follow the steps below;
- For facilities without a PGA of Alberta Professional, please create a PGA of Alberta Profile by CLICKING HERE. Only one profile per facility needed. If you registered for the Show in a previous year, please use the same account from then to register for this year’s Show. Contact [email protected] for any questions about your account.
- Log into the PGA of Alberta website and go to the Events tab > Buying Show > 2022 Attendee Registration.
- Click “Register Now” and follow steps to officially register for the Buying Show.
- IMPORTANT - Make sure you click "+ Add Another Attendee" below Attendee Information to register multiple people from your facility.
- PGA of Alberta Member - This is a PGA of Alberta Professional who has paid their annual dues and works within Alberta.
- PGA of Canada Member (Outside of Alberta) - This is a PGA of Canada Professional who has paid their annual dues and is working in a zone outside Alberta.
- PGA of Canada Affiliate (Non-Member) - Facility Owner / GM / Employee / Guest / F&B - This is an individual who is working at a facility with an employed PGA of Alberta/Canada Professional and is not a member of the PGA of Canada or pays annual dues. This is meant for Facility Owners, General Managers, Food & Beverage Staff, Employees at the course or a guest who is somehow affiliated with the facility.
- NGCOA Member - This is for an individual whose facility is a member of the National Golf Course Owner’s Association and does not have a PGA of Canada Professional employed at their facility. Click here to see if your facility is a NGCOA member. Only eligible to attend on Day 2 & 3 of the Show.
- Green Grass Facility - This is an individual who is attending the Buying Show on behalf of a facility that does not have a PGA of Canada Professional employed at the course and is not a member of the NGCOA. There is a $75 per person charge (plus GST) for individuals in this category. Only eligible to attend on Day 2 & 3 of the Show.
- New Product Section - There will be a ‘New Product Section’ highlighting the innovative products coming out in 2023.
- PGA of Canada Booking - The first day of the Show on Tuesday, Oct. 18th is exclusively for PGA of Canada facilities. NGCOA and Green Grass facilities without a PGA of Canada Professional are not permitted to attend on this day of the Show.
- NGCOA and Green Grass Facilities - NGCOA and Green Grass facilities are welcome to attend all day and make appointments both Wednesday, Oct. 19th and Thursday, Oct. 20th.
- First Time Exhibitors - Exhibitors that are entirely new to the PGA of Alberta Buying Show have the opportunity to rent a booth at a reduced size and rate. This space will be shared with other first time Buying Show exhibitors. Look for this area on our floor plan once available!
- Appointments Before/After Show Hours - PGA of Canada members may schedule appointments directly with Company Sales Representatives in the hour after the set hours (5:00pm-6:00pm) on Tuesday, October 18th and the hour before (8:00am – 9:00am) on Wednesday, October 19th and Thursday, October 20th.
- Save the Date - The PGA of Alberta will be hosting a Cocktail Reception after Day 1 of the Show (Oct. 18th) hosted at Hotel Arts (short walk from the BMO Centre). Event will be from 5-7pm. All Exhibitors & Attendees are encouraged to attend.
- Save the Date - The PGA of Alberta Awards Evening will be Wednesday, Oct. 19th. The evening will kickoff with cocktails at 5:00pm and will be followed by the Awards Banquet at 5:45pm. All Exhibitors & Attendees are encouraged to attend.
PREFERRED HOTEL HOTEL ARTS CALGARY Only a 10-minute walk from the BMO Centre! |
Additional information
- Golf Courses who are registered before September 9th, 2022 will be published in the 2023 PGA of Alberta Industry Directory.
- No one under the age of 18 is permitted in the PGA of Alberta Buying Show at any time.
- Buying Show Education Sessions will be announced closer to the Show dates. PGA of Alberta Members and Non-Members are encouraged to attend.
For Show Administration and all other inquires please contact Trevor Rioux by email ([email protected])